Thursday, February 26, 2015

Tourism and means of transport

When we say "tourism", the act of the world can't be done seperatly it's directly linked with transport. what' about transport, what does it mean, what is its future and more important what is its link to tourism ?

Tourists travel to a destination, visit and return using the means of transport available to them. The terms of these trips can vary almost infinitely, but transport is still an integral part and a key part of the tourist experience. It is often the main expense qu'auront to carry tourists and it is sometimes in the heart of the tourist experience (eg. Cruise, cycling). Tourists obviously expect safe transportation, affordable, reliable, efficient and, increasingly, transport whose ecological footprint is limited. If either of these facets transport disappoints, this may affect the overall perception of their journey.
The desire for mobility is present in humans since time immemorial, but the evolution of transport has completely changed the nature of our movement and, consequently, tourist trips. One can thus connect the major changes in tourism since the early nineteenth century to the evolution of transportation technology. The tourism phenomenon of globalization, which has accelerated over the last 20 years, based on global transport networks increasingly integrated. Finally, if we look to the future, the most serious threats to tourism development in the coming decades will be linked to climate change and the expected increase in energy prices, two questions intimately related to transportation.
One might therefore expect that tourism research will be particularly interested in the relationship between tourism and transport. But it is not. Tourism education and transportation research have developed without significant mutual contribution. Some articles deal with transport in tourism magazines, but most often these articles discuss tourism indirectly without integrating both areas. This is, for example, articles on aviation and the evolution of this sector in terms of market structure, business models, costs or demand. Tourism is treated as some airline passengers are tourists, but few analyzes the interactions between transport and tourism. We can also note that these items usually analyze problems from a disciplinary perspective rather than multidisciplinary and they almost always focus on a single mode of transport, usually by air.
This special issue of Téoros wants to help bridge the gap between research in tourism and transport. In light of the profound changes that await as the transport sector as tourism, it is pertinent to examine specifically the interactions between these two areas. So we are looking for contributions that address tourism issues by integrating transport dimension. The aim is to shed new light on the interaction between tourism and transportation while highlighting methodological advances specific to each discipline. It is also noteworthy that this special issue aims to collect contributions relating to all modes of transport and, where this is relevant, including an intermodal dimension.
Submissions may include any of the following topics or any other topic as part of an integrated vision of tourism and transport:
• the importance and challenges related to transportation in certain tourist services;
• the impact of new tourism trends on transportation needs;
• the role of transport in the development of a tourist destination;
• Environmental Assessment of Transport dimension in tourism;
• the development of tourism products based on sustainable transport means (to include active transportation modes) and inspired soft mobility approaches and the "slow travel";
• tunneling and geographical dispersion;
• the future of tourism-related transportation in the context of climate change and the end of cheap oil.

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